Proft′s Web Site
   World Wide Web
Noteworthy Changes/Additions to Proft's Web Site, 2006-2016

 Feb 2016 2015 NBA and 2016 NFL champs, and 2015 Inflation Chart     (Site Map) Updated to include 2015 & 2016 results
 15 Jun 14 NBA Champions Updated NBA Champions (San Antonio Spurs)
 19 Jan 14 Inflation Chart Updated inflation chart to include 2013
   4 Apr 13 Inflation Chart Updated inflation chart to include 2012
   19 Jan 12 Inflation Chart Updated inflation chart to include 2011
    8 Feb 11 Inflation Chart Updated inflation chart to include 2010
    5 Jan 10 2010 Calendar Moved calendars to Archives (no longer maintained)
    3 Jan 09 2010 Calendar Removed 2007 calendar and added 2010
 12 Dec 08 Kelly pilot Kelly Field pilot and his Jenny (linked in History of Kelly AFB)
 24 Nov 08 Wait function Javascript demo: Wait for mouse click on object to do something
  11 Jun 08 Object Positions Javascript demo: scrollbar/mouse position; window innerHeight/Width
 24 Feb 08 NBA Poll Added NBA Polling Page (linked in NBA Champs page)
    4 Jan 08 2009 Calendar Removed 2006 calendar and added 2009
 21 Aug 07 Floating Find Javascript demo for floating find-in-page button (linked in jsdemos.html)
 14 Aug 07 Mouseover Menu Javascript demo for fixed side menu that hides when page is scrolled
     8 Jul 07 About 42 Site Added link in Texas 42 homepage to new page about
  18 Jun 07 42 Article Article about 42 (reprinted from the Odessa American newspaper)
    6 Jun 07 Rails & Stats Added new page with 42 visitor map, stats, and rail history.
17 May 07 HTML Template Added HTML template utility to JS demos page.
   6 Apr 07 Texas Visitors Added Texas 42 Visitors Map (included in 6 Jun 07 change above).
 27 Mar 07 Concentration Added domino concentration game (linked in Domino Puzzle).
 15 Mar 07 42 Blog Added blogging links in 42 main pages for sharing 42 tidbits and stories.
 22 Feb 07 Progress Bar Customizable timed progress bar added to JS demos page.
  19 Jan 07 Draw Dominos Posted link in Texas42 Q&A15 to new page for domino drawing practice
    4 Jan 07 Domino Puzzle Put finishing touches on drag and drop domino puzzle
29 Nov 06 Activated new 42 web site, complete with updated web pages and links
  6 Sep 06 Scenario1887.html Posted short story 42 scenario linked through Q&A89
11 Aug 06 TX42FAQs.html Completely redid format for answers using <DIV> tags and styles
    9 Jul 06 eBook-demo Added link to e-book demo in JS Demo page
 25 Jun 06 42PollResults Added dynamic 42 polling results: summary; age and density charts
   4 Jun 06 Calendars Added 2007 calendar; added cross-browser sort to NBA, NFL, etc.
19 May 06 StockChart Updated archived document with links to current performance charts
 11 Apr 06 Texans Added linked popup window in About Texas
 12 Mar 06 42Nutshell Added brief description of 42 (linked popup window) in 42 home page
 15 Feb 06 NBA Champs Added link to polling forms (Who will be conference winners?)
  19 Jan 06 Print42 Added links to new printable 42 instructions in main 42 pages
Visitors: 4827 (Counter started 27 Feb 06)