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Recipe for Faux Top Shelf Frozen Wine Margarita
Description:  This margarita hails from Leon Valley, Texas.  It captures the concessionary blends of Texas and New Mexico. The ingredients are simple: lime concentrate and wine. A non-alcoholic blend was attempted; however, wine was needed to render an authentic-looking frozen refreshment with spoonable consistency.


  • One 12-ounce can of frozen lime concentrate
  • One bottle of Chardonnay wine (minimum of 36-ounces required)
(Makes six eight-ounce servings)

Instructions:   Allow lime concentrate to thaw overnight in refrigerator.  Strain off pulp and mix three parts wine to one part lime concentrate.  Cap and shake container.  Pour mixture into clear plastic cups, cover, and place on top shelf of refrigerator freezer compartment until frozen. Retrieve from freezer, remove covers, and provide plastic spoons with servings.  (Refrigerate any unused mixture for freezing future servings.)

Enjoy.  :-)

Paul (Retired)

Acknowledgements:  Thanks to my two daughters-in-law who inspired me to pursue this, my two sons who were supportive, and my beloved wife for her cooperation and able assistance. 

Texas Bluebonnets

Epicurious Posting

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